You know it when you see it. Defined, froth and/or frills consist of many yards of lightweight tullles and chiffons in whites or pastel colors. It can mean ruffles, poufed headpieces and flounces of organza petticoats; diaphonous layers of silk gauze. I'd say Max Chaoul and Monique Lhuillier are at the top of the list--master handlers of the art of the frill.
    Raimon Bundo

    Max Chaoul

    Max Chaoul

    Vera Wang
    Vera Wang is known for varied techniques and innovations, the high art of manipulating delicate fabrics one of them. The dress above is but one of her creations in lightweight silk.
    Below left: Lusan MandongusBelow right: Sassi Holford

    Above left: David Fielden. Above right: Toi Couture

    Monique Lhuillier

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