i am thrilled to introduce to you a wonderful concept created by the one and only, Dana of http://www.thebrokeassbride.com/, called Bride$hare. did you know the average cost of a wedding these days is $28,000?!! and so many times you see pictures of real weddings out there and you would love to have that exact decor at your wedding, but who can afford an extra $28,000 to throw at a wedding? here may be a quick solution to this dilemma:
Part social networking, part wedding planning site, Bride$hare™ helps brides be more budget and eco friendly as they get ready to head down the aisle. Bride$hare™ offers brides the opportunity to team up and share the daunting task, and costs, of wedding planning while creating less waste - addressing three top priorities of brides current economy. “While planning my own wedding on a shoestring, I was contacted by a fellow bride, and fan of my blog (www.thebrokeassbride.com) who was getting married two months after us," said Dana LaRue, founder of BrideShare.net. "She loved our design ideas so much that she offered to split the cost of and share most of the decor. Flattered, I saw it as a fortuitous money saving opportunity: Bride$hare™, the carpool of wedding planning! In total, we shared roughly $4,000 which translates to a savings of $2,000 each - a formidable amount for any budget."
i remember reading about this exchange of wedding goods on Dana's blog myself thinking, that this is genius! so any of you ladies out there want to share in this fabulous new way of saving money, go check Bride$hare out!