How do I choose my wedding hairstyle color?
Your bridal hair color should not just complement the color of your wedding gown, but your eyes and skin tone too. Avoid extreme hair color just before your big day, if you want to make a total turn around, say from blonde to black, rather experiment about six months before your wedding day. This is enough time to ease into a color for your ceremony day or if you do not like it, to undo any mistakes. A professional hairstylist should be able to guide you into the right decisions in choosing the color according to your skin and personality tone. A person with a warm complexion tend to look better with copper, burgundy, red, warm brown's and shades of warm blonde. Where a person with a blue or pink undertone will look great in cool shades. Did you know that blue eyes is brought out with shades of red? Highlights will also play a role in the definition of bridal updos hairstyles especially if the hair is platted or weaved.
How do I prepare my hair for the wedding day?
A woman's hair is her crown; therefore choosing the perfect bridal hairstyle will either complement or destroy your whole image. Start by using the correct hair treatment that will suit your hair. Your local hair salon will come in handy in analyzing your hair for you to make the right choice in hair care products and treatments. If you have long hair, do not brush hair from root to tip, this could cause breakage and split-ends. Rather brush tangled hair from the mid-bottom down wards to help untangle hair. Repeat brushing in sections starting every time just a bit higher as the previous time. With this your hair will look much healthier and will prevent split-ends.
Can I use accessories?
Picking up accessories for your wedding updo hairstyle or if you have medium to short hair depends upon your personality and detail of your bridal gown. If you are a shy yet formal type of woman, you would like a stylish tiara, not to bold but maybe a bit more formal. A woman with more of an outgoing personality would tend to go for a more romantic and flowing look, with lots of loose curls and a funky tiara, top hat, flowers or even bold crystals or pearls. The style of the bridal gown must also be considered for a very detailed dress should not have a busy hairstyle. To wear a veil is more of a personal choice than a matter of tradition. There are a number of options, from a short veil that hangs loose over your head to a long or short veil that clips in at the back of your updo hairstyle. Try many options before you decide on witch will complement your bridal couture the best.
How do I choose my wedding hairstyle?
Firstly you will have to determine the shape of your face. Is it round, oval, heart shaped, square, diamond shaped or do you have a big forehead or deep-set eyes? Do you have a large nose - you would ask, so what has my nose to do with my hair except for the smell of the cosmetics? Well, if you have an off-center fringe it will take away the emphasis of a large nose or even deep-set eyes. You have to be comfortable with your wedding hairstyle, if you have prominent ears - you might like to cover it with soft curls and a featherlike bridal hairstyle will soften a square jaw line. But if you are easily irritated with hair in your face, rather consider a wedding updo style. As with your color, start to experiment well ahead of your wedding day with a bridal hair style to avoid disappointment. Choose a stylist that will listen and act on your specifications and needs.
How do I schedule all my appointments?
Start with the season in witch your big day falls. If it is spring or summer, keep in mind that this is the most popular time of the year and that you are not the only bride that wants to get married. Start scheduling your appointment for your wedding day and keep in mind that if you have and updo hair style, you will require more time for make-up, styling, and getting you to the church on time. Work backwards in planning a test for your bridal style and color treatments if you do need it. Take time in getting acquainted with your stylist, you have to be able to trust your stylist so that you know that your bridal hairstyle will be picture perfect.