i am flattered to have been tagged by bride chic with the "your blog is fabulous" award!
thank you!
the rules: list 5 obsessions/addictions that you have, and tag back to the person who gave you the award. post the rules. tag 5 more people!
1. cheese and coffee. yes, i know, strange perhaps, especially if put together...but seperately they are my favorite food and drink :)
2. fashion. ooh, of course fashion, shopping, clothing...can't get enough.
3. clean freak. i am one of those who can't go to sleep if there are any dishes in the sink, toys on the floor, or if my couch pillows are arranged properly. i know, it's a problem :)
4. house design. ever since i married my husband 2 years ago, i have been inspired by his house building dreams (plus he is a project manager for a commercial contractor out a nike) and have caught the design bug! i loved designing the little home we are in now and hope to design more!
5. staying fit. of course i like to stay in shape so i can eat my cheese, but i love to work hard and get the sweat out! definitely therapeutic for me and a must.
who's next for the "your blog is fabulous award"??
1. lucky me!
2. the little things.3. santa barbara wedding chic blog
4. zinke design blog
5. m.a. belle
thanks again, bride chic!