i can't express to you enough how wonderful my day was yesterday! my kiddos were with my in-laws, the sun was out, time was infinite and opportunities arose out of each and every step. i am so thankful for the time away and moments to collect thoughts and dreams. with that in mind, i stopped by Aspiring Couture to check out their bridal collection by Blushless. this online site was created as a platform for up and coming independent fashion designers to flourish and find their own niche in the couture world. i love the idea of coming alongside young, fresh minds and giving them a place to grow and be seen!!!
i was introduced to Blushless about a year ago, and they have truly taken their own high fashion bridal to a new level. perhaps not for the traditionalist out there, but i think you brides might be surprised at just how fabulous you would feel in these couture designs. some of these dresses are a perfect fit for any bridal shower or rehearsal dinner you may be attending--of course, that is if you are making the party a true party! you don't want to show up over dressed to your own shower... :)
hope you have a fabulous weekend!! see you on monday...
