good morning! i'm sorry for the lack of posts last week. i'm back and my oldest son, Cody turned 2 on friday!!! i can't even believe it! there is a little pic of him at the end of the post so you can check him out :)
i adore this wedding, and actually i adore this photographer too so it goes hand in hand :) a lovely wedding shot by melissa of Soul Mates Photography. the bride's gown is from Luly Lang, the venue, a very sweet setting that very much reminds me of a lady's high tea, at the Sunset Club in seattle, and a lovely "cutting of the pie" to top off this unique, beautiful couple.

check this out! melissa even brought this couple down to the bride's dress designer's storefront and had them pop in window--married 10 mins and they are already models :) love it!!

and here is my little man :)