1.) Go to the Vote NO on Prop 8 site http://eqfed.org/campaign/vow?qp_source=gan and sign the petition.
5.) Volunteer to register others to vote.
If you’re not a Californian, please talk and write about this subject to others in California who can vote (especially if you are a blogger).
If you’re part of a 'two bride' couple planning a post fall wedding, vote, keep faith and enjoy these planning sites
By the way, I can’t take credit for thinking up this catchy Her’s N’ Her’s title; it’s part of an email address my niece and her newlywed wife thought up as far back as email was invented.
If you’re not a Californian, please talk and write about this subject to others in California who can vote (especially if you are a blogger).
If you’re part of a 'two bride' couple planning a post fall wedding, vote, keep faith and enjoy these planning sites
By the way, I can’t take credit for thinking up this catchy Her’s N’ Her’s title; it’s part of an email address my niece and her newlywed wife thought up as far back as email was invented.